Friday, September 12, 2008

In Bishop/ Sept. 12

Made it to Bishop today. What an easy drive it is from Colorado. Even though you have to drive some two lane roads, the roads are so straight that you can cruise an easy 80 mph. So the time from Vail is about 12 to 13 hours. Not bad. What I love about the drive is the desert colors. Through Utah, right off I-70, the views are amazing.

I love Bishop. It is a small town that reminds me of Steamboat, CO. The Sierras are to the west and the White Mountains to the east. I took a picture of the Sierras where there seems to be a wildfire on the west side of the mountains west of Bishop. I hope this doesn't become a problem for us. We will be flying the Whites.

I drove up to the Flynn launch LZ, and saw a few pilots that flew from Gunter launch south, where the comp will be flown from. One pilot landed at the Flynn LZ. Conditions seem very stable with a big inversion but pilots looked to be up fairly high.

I am going to rendezvous with the Colorado group and hope to have a good training flight tomorrow. I will keep you all updated.


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