Sunday, July 11, 2010

1st day of Comp Chelan, WA

So, The first task for the Nats at Chelan turned out to be perfect. We had great weather though partly cloudy, which was good because it made it a little cooler. Even with the flats in the shade the thermals were still working. There were definitely less dust devils in the flats. The task was about 89 km which is 55 miles from Chelan butte to Coulee city with a dog leg to Almira. I had a late start as launch opened at noon with the start at 1:30. A long line started and I was just a little slow suiting up, so I was one of the last pilots off. I had to wait in line for over half an hour, and once in the air I had about 25 minutes to get high enough to cross the river to the flats.
I got to 7500 feet msl which was not as high as the lead gaggle, but crossed the river anyway and got to the flats low. That put me a half an hour behind at the finish. Finally finding a climb with a few pilots we started on course toward Coulee city. The sky was more then half full with clouds so I was worried that the shade would shut it down, but it kept working. I had once excellent climb to 11,500 msl and pushed a lot more speed bar and was able to catch up to come pilots that were well ahead of me. I made it to Coulee city with good altitude, and needed at least two more climbs to make goal. At this time becasue of shade the climbs were weaker and I was worried if I raced hard I would hit the dirt. So being patient just to make goal I took my time, and made goal. It always sweet to make goal, as everyone there is great spirits.
Today is another hot day, so I will post tonight. Stay tuned.

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